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Media Roundup: Traceability, Recalls, and Good Communication

August 1, 2024

Media Roundup: Traceability, Recalls, and Good Communication

As the conversation about improved recall processes continues across the industry, Roger Hancock, president and CEO of Recall InfoLink, has had the opportunity to contribute to a variety of publications on topics ranging from the recall process for grocery stores to the overlap of recalls and traceability practices. For the traceability articles, Roger teamed up with Matt Regusci, a Supply Chain Compliance Expert and FSMA Consultant. With the FSMA 204 deadline approaching, Roger and Matt believe this is an ideal opportunity to improve both recall and traceability processes at the same time.

“5 Tips Can Improve Food Recall Systems” in Food and Beverage Insider underscores the crucial role of enhanced traceability in refining food recall systems. Matt and Roger offer five actionable tips that can significantly elevate the efficiency of recall processes, emphasizing how improved traceability directly contributes to quicker and more effective responses. Read the full article here. 

“Restaurants Must Improve Data & Traceability to Improve Recalls” ran in both Restaurant News and Restaurant Magazine, stressing the necessity for restaurants to advance their data management and traceability practices to bolster recall effectiveness. They outline why these improvements are vital for better recall outcomes and provide strategic recommendations for implementing these changes. Read the full articles here and here.

“How Grocery Stores Can Transform & Improve Recall Processes” in Today’s Grocer gives 6 tips for creating a more effective recall process. Roger emphasizes the need for a modernized process that includes the entire supply chain as a solution to the challenges grocery stores face during recalls. Read the full article here. 

"Best Practice Tips to Navigate Recall Communications" in Food Industry Executive highlights strategies for managing food recall communications effectively. Actionable advice for creating a recall communication plan helps ensure clear, accurate, and efficient communication during recalls, maintaining consumer trust and protecting brand reputation. Read the full article here.

Interested in learning more about complying with FSMA 204, improving your recall data practices, or creating a recall communication plan? Schedule a free consultation today. 

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