Recall InfoLink Logo

Recall software ready to work for you.

Manage and track product recalls with a comprehensive platform designed to make your job easier.

Free Trial

A Comprehensive Product Recall Solution

Standardized, easy to use platform for any product recall.

  • Connect: Simplify communication with trading partners.
  • Integrate: Seamlessly merge with your existing systems.
  • Globalize: Meet international and local requirements.
  • Execute: Customize preferences for effective process management.
Recall InfoLink example of mock recall.

Connect with Your Trading Partners

Fast and accurate communication across the supply chain.

  • Send and receive notifications automatically.
  • Utilize GS1 Product Recall Standards for consistency.
  • Route notifications to preferred communication channels.
  • Support for all product types, including food, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and consumer goods.
  • Comply with traceability and recall requirements.
  • Manage recall lifecycles, including amendments and cancellations.
  • Streamline responses from trading partners with a universal web portal.
  • Optimize B2C relations, including loyalty customer notifications.
Recall InfoLink example of starting a recall

The Recall InfoLink system’s simplicity and speed creates efficiencies for AG Baton Rouge, and provides a state-of-the-art system for our member retailers to simplify processes and regulatory compliance.

Kimberly Hawkins
Corporate Communications Specialist
Associated Grocers
Recall InfoLink example of creating a recall event.

Integrate with Your Systems

Seamless integration with your existing tools.

  • API for system integration.
  • Full audit trail to meet regulatory standards.
  • Easier compliance across the board.
Recall InfoLink example of responding to a recall

Align with Global Requirements

Adaptable features for global and local recall needs.

  • Multi-language functionality for international users.
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements based on geographic location.
  • GDPR compliance for data security and privacy.

We partnered with Recall InfoLink to assist us with this critical business function because they offer so much experience and support. Their system makes our process faster and more complete, and adds value to our retail customers making compliance easier.

Martin Arter
Affiliated Foods Midwest

Execute with Customized Management

Tailored processes with advanced customization options.

  • Create unique communication schedules, notification templates, and escalation policies.
  • Define custom properties for incidents, events, products, and distribution points.
  • Supervise recalls across segmented locations, with custom contact groups.
  • Automatically update customer contact information and guarantee notification delivery.
Recall InfoLink example of tracking a recall progress.

Manage Recalls Quickly. Protect Your Brand and Consumers.

Take the stress out of product recalls. Our recall system is designed to simplify every step so you can act fast, prioritize consumer safety, and maintain trust in your brand. Be Recall Ready today.