A new feature currently in development will allow Recall InfoLink clients to request recall information from their suppliers through the system. Shared via a unique URL, the web form will prompt suppliers to fill out required details about a recall or withdrawal as it happens. Once submitted, the client will receive the data as a pre-populated event, making it easy to continue the communication to their customers.
“Our goal here is not only to save our clients time, but also to help them get information from their suppliers in a standardized way,” says Roger Hancock, president and CEO. “This feature is another step in streamlining the recall process so that it’s easier for the whole supply chain.”
As it stands now, getting recall communication from suppliers is often cited as the most inefficient piece of the recall process. Not only will this feature significantly decrease the amount of time needed to communicate across the supply chain, it will also standardize the information being shared.
The Recall InfoLink team is working closely with current clients in building this feature to ensure that the form captures the best-in-class processes already in place. “The recall expertise of our team has to go hand in hand with the boots-on-the-ground experience of industry leaders like Albertsons and Sprouts,” says Hancock. “They’ve refined their processes to a very high level. Our data has allowed us to identify improvements for the supplier to customer segment of the recall communication process as well. Their collaboration is vital here, and will serve the rest of the industry with this much needed feature.”
This step to enhance the connectivity of the supply chain is foundational to businesses building Recall Ready communities because it will create stronger, easier, and more efficient communication lines between trading partners. And, since the feature is included as part of the Recall InfoLink platform, use of the form comes at no additional cost to clients or their suppliers.
For more information about the supplier form or the Recall InfoLink service, visit our website or contact rhancock@recallinfolink.com.